Tuesday 21 April 2015

You can if you think you can!

What a positive start to the meeting by introducing this quote from Henry Ford, I found this quote to be simple, yet quite powerful. It was just the right amount of pep talk needed to start the meeting. I like how our weekly Toastmasters meetings also include tit bits about motivation and self-improvement every now and then. Our members have diverse life experiences and I am often inspired when they share their stories.
Today was another special meeting. We hosted a speech marathon and our schedule was filled with 3 speakers. Azura is half way through her journey to the CC status. She kicked off the speech marathon with Speech #5, Your Body Speaks. I felt she was clever in her topic selection and speech writing. She used her cat as an example to display how to communicate with your body. I am proud to be her mentor and she continues to show improvement in every speech. See Azura's speech here. I completed one of my projects from the Storytelling manual. I decided to adopt a classic folktale story (The Hare and Tortoise) and add a twist to it to teach a very important management lesson. See my speech here. Geofferey finished the speech marathon with a very entertaining speech about laughter. During his speech, he mentioned he is not a funny guy. But I happen to disagree respectfully! I thought he had excellent punch lines, especially with stories about his cat. I hope he is able to recycle his speech and use it to compete at the net Humorous Speech Contest. Check out his speech here. Looking forward to hearing your opinion on all three speeches.

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