Tuesday 7 April 2015


Wendy, our first time Chair, started the meeting today with a warm welcome reminding us of Spring! Wendy seemed very comfortable and confident in her role as the Chair that a set a positive tone for the rest of the meeting. It was good to see some faces return at our meetings. Due to changing workloads and schedules, we often lose sight of some of our members. I guess this is one disadvantage of hosting a lunch time club. Melrose delivered a mini speech with her spirited Thought of the Day. She talked about how it's time to spring back in action and get out of the winter hibernation. See her speech here.

Christine returned to doing prepared speeches and she came back with a bang! With her take on a Scandinavian folktale, Christine created vivid images through her acting and vocal skills. I won't say more because you can watch it here. Since our second speaker cancelled, I volunteered to step up as last minute speaker. Since launching Easy-Speak about a year ago, Meridian Toastmasters club has come a long way in adapting to the new scheduling system. Since the introduction of new members few months ago, I can see a few gaps in the knowledge transfer. I used this opportunity to talk to the members about the recommended guidelines that we follow when we are chairing a meeting. You can see my Easy-Speak byte here. Happy to hear your thoughts!

Geoffery conducted the Table Topics session and incorporated the theme of the meeting. Pam, as our Grammarian, was clever in noting interesting use of English language throughout our meeting. I liked her approach and would try to implement it next time I'm up for Grammarian. Katrina conducted the General Evaluation section of the meeting and shared her feedback about the course of the meeting. We have an exciting workshop planned for next week. Stay tuned for more details!

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