Tuesday 27 January 2015

Old is Gold

Today was a Special Event for Meridian Toastmasters. We hosted our first Open House for 2015!
Currently, we are 23 member strong and we would like to see new faces join our club every few months. With a teamwork display promoting the Open House, we had 6 new guests join us at our Open House.
As the VP of Public Relations, I decided to Chair the meeting, plus it had been a while I took up the meeting manager role! I chose the theme of "Old is Gold" which is saying that has been around for a while. To me, it reflects the importance of valuing the 'old' things in your life. Living in the age of instant gratification, we fail to acknowledge the value of being content. I find always find myself running after the next big thing, the newest phone, the new gadgets and so on. "Old is Gold' reminds me that just like a bottle of red wine, certain things increase in their value over time. There's only so much Nicki Minaj or Jay Z or Kanye West I can listen to. The classics of Doris Day, The Carpenters and the likes are timeless. Somehow, these 'timeless' beings help me slow down when I'm surrounding by everything that is so fast paced. 
The meeting ran smoothly. Afshan present Speech #6 on Vocal Variety. She talked about her recent trip to Mexico and shared her learnings about the Mayan culture. When I hear Mexico, I think of beaches and sunshine. So, I was very educational for me to listen to the history and facts about their culture. Melrose did quite well as Table Topics Masters by bringing us fortune cookies and making the members practice impromptu speaking by sharing their thoughts on their 'fortune'. She also encourage our guests to participate and 2 of them obliged! 
The meeting seem to have ended pretty quickly. As they say, you don't realize how fast time goes when you're having fun. And I had a lot of fun indeed!

See Afshan's speech here.
See the evaluation of Afshan's speech here.

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