Tuesday 6 January 2015

Hakuna Matata!

We kicked off 2015 with our first meeting today! Tie Feng, our VP Education, was the Chair of the meeting. Returning to work after the holiday season is always tough. But, our skilled VP Ed managed to get all roles filled and conduct another successful meeting. I was happy to return to that familiar club environment and the welcome chatter before the meeting begins. Though, this time I was nervous because it was my turn to deliver a speech.
It was a full house as Tie hit the gavel on the lectern and started the meeting with an upbeat note of Hakuna Matata! Sherry connected her Thought of the Day very well with the meeting theme by talking about the holiday season, being conscious of healthy eating and living a happy life! I presented a Monodrama from the Interpretive Reading manual. It was the park bench scene from the movie, Good Will Hunting. It went well for most part, except when I lost my track towards the end. In a monodrama, you are required to get into the skin of the character and emulate the scene. I had to constantly remind myself not to look at the audience, but to the imaginary person sitting on my left. Melrose, my speech evaluator, picked up on this and offered a positive feedback.
We had a few firsts at our meeting today. Sherry as Thought of Day, Pam as Grammarian, Marcia as TT master and Wendy as Timer. All 4 new comers server their role very well. Marcia stuck to the theme and asked all of us about our take on the Hakuna Matata song as it relates to our life. Pam went a step further in her role and mentioned a few noteworthy uses of English language used during the meeting. Wendy was quick to understand the timing device. Karen rounded up the meeting by offering her valuable tips as a General Evaluator.
It's going to be an exciting, and busy, month at Meridian Toastmasters. Our Speech Evaluation workshop will be held next week and the Winter Open House on the 27th.

See my speech video here.

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