Tuesday 6 October 2015


I've had a bit of a break in writing this blog.  And I hate it. Because the longer a break you have, the harder it gets to return to the routine. I guess that's true about any habit. I've noticed the same with Toastmasters as well. We have had a few members who wanted to take a break from Toastmasters due to other commitments in their life/work. They stopped attending the meetings or did not renew their membership. I have to admit that I've had those feelings creep in as well to want to take a break from the weekly meetings. However, I've not seen those members return. I've heard it takes about 21 days to establish a 'habit' or a 'routine', and it takes one short break to ruin it!
Anyways, back to the meeting today! It was Marcia's first time as the Chair and she lived up to the expectations. I loved that she chose 'Gratitude' as the theme which was perfect for the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend.

We are starting to see a full meeting room as more of our members have returned from their summer vacations! I am grateful that we have a supportive group of members from all walks of life. I started a new manual today - Communicating on Video. The first project required me to prepare a short editorial and present it was as if I was on Television. It didn't take me long to select the theme for my editorial. Nutrition and Health have been my priority in the last few months. I saw the documentary, Fed Up, recently that got my riled up about Sugar. I decided to dedicate my editorial to educate the audience about how Sugar affects our health.  Was I nervous or what! I had a LOT to talk about Sugar, but so little time. Plus, the idea of talking to the 'camera' was new to me. I had to ignore the presence of the club members and stare at the camera. It was a bit distracting since I tend to draw my energy from the reactions of the audience. There was a lot of improvements I can make in the next few projects. Katrina pointed out I was speaking fast and need to slow down. Well, that has been my issue since Day 1! It's a work in progress. You can watch the video here.

Sundeep added a twist to the usual Table Topics. She listed a few countries and stated a few ways people show Gratitude in those countries. The members had to associate the country with the gratitude methods and explain why they chose the answer. I thought it was an interesting change to the routine. Also, I ended up knowing a bit more about each country and their system. Karen rounded up the General Evaluation section by reminding us about the procedures of handing the gavel while Chairing a meeting. It's Thankgiving weekend and we are celebrating Toastmasters' 90th Anniversary at our next meeting! Watch this space for an update...

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