Tuesday 2 June 2015

Canadian Weather

What an appropriate theme selected by our Chair, Afshan, for the meeting today. Are we back in time? Is it January again? Did we skip the entire summer and roller-coastered our way to wintery times again... I am so tired of this schizophrenic weather...!

Ahh... it feels good to rant about the weather in Canada. One of the many things I enjoy as a new Canadian... I guess I forgot to mention. Last week, I took an oath to be a Canadian citizen. I am sad to lose passport of my home country, India. But, I am also excited to be welcomed as part of the Canadian family. :)

Enough about me... let's get back to the Toastmasters meeting! Our 2 speakers cancelled, but would that deter Afhsan? Absolutely not! Anil and Afshan teamed up and found alternatives to fill up the time for prepared speeches. Afshan was calm, composed and confident as the meeting chair. We did have lesser attendance than usual. However, our members double up the energy and fill the room. I was tasked to present the Thought of the Day. Instead, I converted it into a trivia of facts about Canadian weather. See my talk here. Anil showed up the video of a contestant at the 2013 World Champion ship of Public Speaking. I am always inspired to watch advanced speakers and secretly jot down tips for improving my speaking abilities! I am glad Anil shared the video with us. To add a twist, Karen suggest that we all put on the Evaluator hat and share our evaluation at the end. All our members provided valuable tips. You can view the group evaluation here. It was nice to see Terry after a long time! He was 'voluntold' to be the General Evaluator (GE) at the last minute. Pam added an interesting layer to the role of the Grammarian. She noted and shared interesting uses of the English language she observed during the meeting. Another successful meeting today, looking forward to the next one!

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