Tuesday 10 February 2015

Meridian Toastmasters - Speech Evaluation Contest

We kicked off the Winter Session of the contest season today with our Speech Evaluation Contest. Running a contest is a great example of showing team work and leadership skills. Our Chair, Tie Feng, and Chief Judge, Anil Lad, made sure the team was picked out well ahead of time. However, the weather got to Anil and he fell ill the day before the contest. Our President, Geoffrey Chen, stepped up the plate and filled in the role of Chief Judge at last minute's notice. Now this is what I call leadership and team work!
I always have fun competing at the contests, I guess I've become a default face! That's a good and bad thing!  :P We had 2 first time contestants and new members, Pam and Sundeep, join in and be brave to step up to participate! Jerako, our Target Speaker and Division A Governor, was a tough one to evaluate. But hey, what's the fun without a good challenge!
The remainder of the contest ran smoothly. I guess I'm going to be representing Meridian Toastmasters at the Area Contest in March. :)

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