Tuesday 2 December 2014


For the first time ever, Meridian Toastmasters hosted a Speech-a-palooza! Just in case one record wasn't enought, the 4 speeches today were all ice breakers. We had 3 new guest attend the meeting today. Karen opened the meeting with a lot of enthusiasm and talked about how excited she is to chairing this special meeting! She didn't waste any time and jumped straight into the speeches. Sundeep, Wendy, Sherry and Pam were the 4 speakers! I've always enjoyed Ice Breaker speeches and the chance to hear 4 of them in one sitting was not to be missed. The speeches were quite diverse. We found out about Sundeep's artisitic sensibilities when she talked about scrapbooking and her interest in making jewellery. Wendy shared a memorable travel experience to Tibet with her family. I was deeply moved by Sherry's speech on her fight with shyness and anxiety disorder. Pam ended the speech-a-palooza narrating her travel expedition around the world. All 4 speakers are off to a great start. I almost forgot that I was supposed to be an evaluator! We are looking forward to doing another one of these -paloozas, maybe with more advanced speakers this time!

Click on the names to see each of our member's Ice Breaker Speeches:

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