Tuesday 11 November 2014

Remembering our Veterans

Today's meeting happen to fall on Remembrance Day. It was a full house with 2 new guests. The membership was grown in last 2 months, especially since our last Open House. We are excited to see new faces at our meetings.
The meeting starting with the Chair (Anil Lad) acknowledging the hard work of the soldiers with 1 min of silence. I was then invited to present the Thought of the Day and added my own spin to Rememberance Day by reminding everyone to also acknowledge the soldier within yourself and people around you. Geofferey's speech from the Advanced Communications Manual was aptly centered around Democracy. He talked in detail about the birth of democracy, about shared power, and about the importance of a strong legal system. Azura was a first time Table Topics Master. She conducted the session very well and posed questions to the members about their heroes, thoughts on army, veteran's day, etc. Our General Evaluator, Melrose, provided positive feedback for the meeting progress. Speech Evaluator, Christine Mirtsos, talked about conviction and speaking with conviction as part of her comments to Geofferey's speech. With so many new members this past month, we are looking into ice breaker speeches at the meeting next week!